Example page - Classifying crickets' chirps: acoustic profiling in Orthoptera

Paper reviews potential for acoustic profiling of stridulating grasshoppers, locusts and crickets

Black-horned tree cricket (Oecanthus nigricornis) observed in West Danby, NY, USA by edgarallenhoopoe. Photo via iNaturalist (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Allowing for non-invasive and cheap detection of elusive species, identifying animals—e.g birds and frogs—through sound is becoming increasingly popular, particularly in habitats where visual observation is difficult or even impossible.

In a new article, a researcher from Germany reviews the current state of acoustic profiling of another group of singers: Orthoptera, known for the sounds produced by rubbing wings and/or legs together. While this insect order of grasshoppers, locusts and crickets has many species with specific songs reliable for classification, availability and accessibility of Orthoptera song recordings in general is extremely limited.

In GBIF, Orthoptera occurrence records with associated audio derive mainly from the Zoological Research Museum Alexander König—in particular DORSA (Digitized Orthoptera Specimens Access)—but also the Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB) at Ohio State University. While Orthoptera records with sound are scarce compared to vertebrates, the number of available records has increased by more than 50 per cent since the publication of the article.

The author points to passive acoustic monitoring as a potential means of increasing sound data available, but this will require a data warehouse for bioacoustic data. Automatic classication and identification of records necessitates novel acoustic profiling algorithms, however, relying on existing methods already employed in e.g. human speech recognition may be the way forward.

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